“I’ll probably be watching The Wrong Trousers the christmas- the Wallace and Gromit thing. It's very amusing. And do you know about that bit in 7he Sound Of Music where Maria goes back to the nuns and one of them says something really bizarre. If you're watching The Sound Of Music in a dfflerent way, not really watching it like it is your life and you're just observing it as a film, one of the nuns says to her, 'Maria. What is it, you c—face?' It's quite disturbing. You have to rewind it to see if you heard it right."
"I'm reading Miss Smilla's Feeling For Snow by Peter Hoeg, a Greenlander author. I'm not far enough into it to be sure what it's about. There's a woman whose friend has died, and it's a bit suspicious the way he died. And she's having a look around. I've only read a couple of chapters. It was a completely random choice. I came on tour and forgot to bring any novels with me."
"I haven't had a pint for a long time. I had a warm vodka with Winona Ryder in New York, does that count? She was lovely. She said, 'Where are you from?' and I said, 'Boumemouth'. She knows someone there and she'd stayed there. It's amazing! And I got drunk yesterday. It's very cheap to drink champagne here (Australia). I was quite disappoilnted actually. But I think it's really boring talking about any kind of excessive indulgence like that. There's nothing more boring than people talking about how much drink they've had. It's just funny when you wake up and don't know where you are."